Library Satisfaction Survey – the results are in!

Elizabeth Andrews
Friday 3 May 2019

Library Survey A6 postcards front

Our recent survey of Library Services shows those responded were 91% satisfied with the services overall!

A huge thank you to everyone who completed our survey! We received 1,588 responses. The number of comments you left was also very high: 825 comments in total (766 comments from the overall section together with 59 comments from the research support section). Thank you again. You will see that in general our satisfaction levels have shown improvement in comparison to 2018’s survey!

This year the survey ran from 18 February until 18 March. The survey was available online and we also left paper copies for you to fill in at all of our Library sites. We are still analysing comments so will update you on our findings shortly. In the meantime, we wanted to tell you about the headline figures!

This is the third year we’ve held the survey and it tells us so much about what is working and what needs to change. The survey covers three frontline themes: Enquiries, support and outreach; Access to resources; and Spaces. This year we have also included questions about the services we offer researchers and academic staff.

Let’s go…

Who filled in the survey:

response by demographic visualisation ring
This graph shows the number of responses for each demographic: 1076 Undergraduates, 168 Postgraduate Taught, 132 Postgraduate Research, Academic staff 95, Professional Services Staff 88.

The majority of responses were from Undergraduate students (66%). Followed closely by  Postgraduate (Taught) at 10% and Postgraduate (Research) at 8%. Academic staff respondents make 5.8% and Professional Services Staff 5.4%.

We have reviewed data from our Service Desk and entry gates. Considering who uses our services, the survey shows a representative split: 64% Undergraduate, 18% Postgraduate students and 7% of staff, made enquiries at the Service Desk. Reviewing data about the groups entering the Main Library building, we see that last semester Undergraduates made up 76%, Postgraduate Taught 10%, Postgraduate Research 3%, and staff 8% of visits.

Satisfaction levels per question

The below percentages combine ‘satisfied’ and ‘very satisfied’ and remove ‘not applicable’ responses.

Getting in touch and having your say

student at service desk

  1. The ability to get in touch with Library staff in different ways? (e.g. at our Service Desks, by email, via chat, etc.):  97% satisfied (94% satisfied in 2018).
  2. How quickly questions are replied to?: 97% satisfied (92% satisfied satisfied in 2018).
  3. The opportunities to give feedback? (e.g. feedback cards, Library User Groups, or campaigns such as Halloween): 92% satisfied (91% satisfied in 2018)
  4. The helpfulness of Library staff?: 97% satisfied (95% satisfied in 2018).
  5. The opportunity to see a librarian with specialised knowledge in your subject area?: 74% satisfied (74% satisfied in 2018).
  6. The clarity of our responses to your questions?: 95% satisfied (92.3% satisfied in 2018).

Accessing books and other resources

student borrowing books

  1. That books are easy to borrow?: 93% satisfied (90% satisfied in 2018).
  2. That books are easy to return?: 97% satisfied (93% satisfied in 2018).
  3. The ease of access to online resources (e.g. ebooks and journal articles)?: 79% satisfied (80% satisfied in 2018).
  4. The opportunity to request books are purchased for the Library?: 81% satisfied (81% satisfied in 2018).
  5. How quickly recalled books are made available?: 75% satisfied (75% satisfied in 2018).
  6. The help offered by Library staff when there are problems accessing resources?: 93% satisfied (91% satisfied in 2018).
  7. That the reading list service is easy to use?: 86% satisfied (84% satisfied in 2018).

Opening hours

students walking toward Main Library

How satisfied are you with the opening hours offered during semester at:

  1. Main Library (8am – 2am, 7 days): 86% satisfied (82% satisfied 2018).
  2. St Mary’s College Library (9am – 5pm, Mon – Fri): 53% satisfied (53% satisfied 2018).
  3. JF Allen (8am – 5.45pm, Mon – Fri): 62% satisfied (60% satisfied 2018).
  4. Thomson Reading Room in Martyrs Kirk (8am – Midnight, 7 days): 85% satisfied (80% satisfied 2018).
  5. Library at the Gateway (9am – 9.30pm, 7 days): 84% satisfied (not included in previous survey)

Study space availability

student studying at JF Allen Library

How satisfied are you with the availability of study space in:

  1. Main Library: 53% satisfied (40% satisfied in 2018). 
  2. St Mary’s College Library: 56% satisfied (48% satisfied 2018).
  3. JF Allen: 66% satisfied (61% satisfied 2018).
  4. Thomson Reading Room: 73% satisfied (63% satisfied 2018).
  5.  Library at the Gateway: 81% satisfied (not included in previous survey)

Cleanliness of spaces

King James Library pillars

How satisfied are you with the cleanliness of:

  1. Main Library: 94% satisfied (92% satisfied 2018).
  2. St Mary’s College Library: 97% satisfied (91% satisfied in 2018).
  3. JF Allen: 97% satisfied (91% satisfied in 2018).
  4. Thomson Reading Room: 97% satisfied (89% satisfied in 2018).
  5. Library at the Gateway: 97% satisfied (not included in previous survey)

Signage and other services

self-end signage Main Library

  1. The signage provided to help you find books and journals?: 81% satisfied (75% satisfied in 2018).
  2. The opportunity to advertise (images for digital screens and posters)?: 91% satisfied (84% satisfied in 2018).
  3. The opportunity to make bake sale/ticket sale bookings?: 91% satisfied (85% satisfied in 2018).

Research support services and support for researchers and academic staff.

researcher at research computing event

This is a new section of the survey, so we don’t have data to compare. As well as removing the ‘not applicable’ responses, we have also removed the added option of ‘not aware of service’ from this section in order to get the satisfaction percentage.

  1. The support provided to help you achieve Open Access and comply with funders’ policies for publications? 82% satisfied.
  2. The advice and guidance offered on copyright and licensing in relation to your publications? 81% satisfied.
  3. The support provided to help you manage your research data? 79% satisfied
  4. The support provided to develop research software and/or websites for research projects? 71% satisfied.
  5. The support offered to help you create and edit your profile in Pure? 76% satisfied.
  6. The training courses provided through CAPOD (Centre for Academic, Professional and Organisational Development) on any of the above areas? 84% satisfied.

Overall satisfaction

students in conversation

The Library services overall?: 91% satisfied (88% satisfied 2018).

We are so happy to say that our satisfaction levels have risen overall in comparison to 2018’s survey!

We will be working through all of the comments you left in order for us to understand what areas we need to improve and to keep this level of service. We’ve also picked our winner of the survey draw, and we’ve been in touch with them 🙂

If you have any questions, please email: [email protected]

Photography by Lightbox Creative, Oli Walker and University of St Andrews Publications.

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